Liebster Award

I have been nominated by Kristen from for a Liebster Award, so exciting. It is always nice to discover new good blogs which are not that popular yet and connect with other bloggers in the community. Therefore everyone nominated has to:

Answer the 11 questions provided by the nominator (see below)
Choose 11 of your favorite blogs (with under 200 followers) to be nominated
Make up 11 new questions for the bloggers
Let the nominees know they have been tagged/nominated
You cannot tag back or tag the same person

I got the following questions:

1. What made you want to start a blog about fashion?

I've actually wanted to start one already in 2009 since that was the time when I started reading other blogs regularly but never did. Why is the human being so lazy sometimes? Anyways my friend Lan which I met while my semester abroad and I decided to finally start a blog so one can see what the other person is wearing, she has such good style as well and we really match.

2. What is your favorite item in your closet?

I would say my leather trousers from Topshop. I'm not only wearing them constantly because they are such a basic piece and can be paired with almost every top I own. But sometimes items turn into my favorites because I connect memories with it and those pants just remind me so much of the half a year I spend in London that I'm happy every time I can wear them.

3. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Easy one: Any kind of mexican food, I once ate so much of it that I felt sick afterwards, just because I couldn't stop since it tasted sooo good.

4. What do you think is the worst trend that has ever happened?

The platform shoes people used to wear in the 90s. Not only really ugly but a constant risk for one's health as well. I remember people always rolling their ankles while walking in them.

5. Favorite animal and why?

A bird of passage- just because I'm such a traveller and it would be so much cheaper when I would not have to go by plane to all the places :)

6. Where is your favorite place to shop?

Weekday, Asos, Monki, Topshop and flea markets

7. If you had unlimited funds, what are the top 3 things that you would buy?

Clothes-wise a Celine bag, a black pair of Acne pistol boots and a Marc Jacobs watch

8. Who is your current celebrity crush?

Christopher Abbott in the newer season of Girls on HBO. That show is amazing by the way!!

9. If you could shop in the closet of any blogger, who would it be?

Probably Angelica Blick's Just love her style.

10. What is your dream job?

Since I always wanted to work in the fashion industry but I know I wouldn't be good as a designer, my dream job has been a fashion buyer for many years. I just love to see how knew trends are emerging with the help of the surroundings such as spirit of the time, music and culture and it would be so much fun to pick out the suitable pieces of clothing.

11. What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?

I have to say my Au Pair year in California which I did right after I finished High school. I was so freaked out the last week before it all started but in the end it turned out to be a year which I always remember as my favorite so far. Just all the experiences made a totally different person out of me and I'm very thankful for that.

I am nominating:












My new 11 questions are:
1. Flats or heels?
2. What do you always have on?
3. What or Who influenced you to write about fashion?
4. Where do you see yourself in five years?
5. I always wanted to know what other bloggers do, aside from blogging, like are you a student/doctor,
   or etc.
6. If you could steal someone's closet... who would it be
7. Who are your favorite fashion designers
8. What are your must-haves for this fall?
9. If I could, I would wear….. every day.
10. What inspires you?
11. The best thing you like about yourself?

Have fun with the tag guys!!



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Me, an open minded explorer from Berlin, ready to conquer the world, talking about all the things I enjoy in life "fashion, music, art, good food and the company of my friends".

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