print tshirt

zara skirt

white tshirt

Tee/bag - Weekday, leather jacket/shorts - Zara, shoes - Converse, bracelet - Asos, necklace - COS

That was my try on the all white look... well I just had to add a black leather jacket :). That look is still from one of those really hot days and I decided to wear that Zara skirt one last time before it stays in Berlin. Along with one of my favorite print tees it's just the perfect simple white and black look again. 

Last Saturday was great although it did not go as planned but these are the best moments anyway. Wanted to run some errands and just ran right into the gay parade. So I left my bike at the street corner, got my camera and that is when the party started. I will post the pictures next week and will tell you a little bit more about that then. Tomorrow and friday we are having drinks after work and then it's already weekend!!



  1. Love the skort with chucks! I've paired mine that way, too! It's fun to dress the skort down!

    : signe
    : the daily savant :
    : the daily savant : Blog Lovin

  2. Me too :), looks nice with heels and with sneakers I think it's one of those items you can wear all day long and then change some accesories and you can go out at night.




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Me, an open minded explorer from Berlin, ready to conquer the world, talking about all the things I enjoy in life "fashion, music, art, good food and the company of my friends".

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